Ellis Island Database - Surnames starting with A - G
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Arrivals at Ellis Island, New York of Jews who hailed from Brest

Complied by Larry Schenker (Binenbaum)
Excel data convert to HTML by Elise Friedman (Lifshitz)

The following list of arrivals spanning the years 1902 to 1923 has been extracted from the Ellis Island Database. Many names have been transcribed incorrectly and they have been kept in this exact form in order for them to be easily accessed using the online database.

Using the above Ellis Island Database link you can go to the actual web site, enter a name, and you will be able to see the full transcribed passenger record as well as the original ship’s manifest.

On these various records the name of the town appears in many different forms: Brest - Brest, Russia - Brest Lit - Brest Litowsk, Russia - Brzesc, Poland - Brzesc, Russia - Brisk - Brisk, Russia - Brisk, Grodno and many variations of the above.

Because there are about 4,716 individual records in this Ellis Island Database, it has been broken up into three (3) separate pages.
  1. This page includes Surnames from A - G
  2. The next page includes Surnames from H - P
  3. The last page includes Surnames from R - Z
If you want to find a specific name you can use the Find Command in your browser menu.

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